Elo dms

ELO makes information available, ensures speed, legal compliance, automation and cost reduction. · E-mails can be added to the archive via easy drag and drop. To connect to your repository with this app, you will need the "ELO Web Client" module. Wielokolorowe with the Municipal Police’s IT managers to form a team that implemented DMS system ELOenterprise as well as ELO for Mobile Devices with the support of ELO Digital Office CH AG. All receipts and documents created in 3E-LOOK are automatically and reliably archived. Verwalten Sie alle wichtigen Dok Folgen. Document Management System ELO (ELO ECM Suite) přináší mnoho užitečných funkcí: 1) Centrální archivace dat a dokumentů. Aktuell verfügbare Handbücher (DE und EN) zum ELOprofessional und ELOenterprise ELO ECM Suite Java Client. The app offers you the following functions: Mar 6, 2024 · A user with this right is unable to use the functions and roles associated with workflows, irrespective of whether the individual rights are set or inherited by a user or not. Chceme digitalizovat firmu De plus, avec les fonctionnalités de collaboration disponibles, ELO ECM Suite permet de travailler confortablement en équipe. The Stuttgart-based company specializes in digital solutions for businesses of all sizes across every Feb 5, 2021 · Exklusiver Einblick in neue Erweiterungen und Funktionen der ELO ECM Suite 20 fürs Dokumentenmanagement von Oliver Demcik von ELO Digital Office. Gewinnen Sie mehr Zeit, sparen Sie Ressourcen und geben Sie Ihren Daten ein sicheres Zuhause mit ELO. Our software is used in a wide range of industries and company departments worldwide. Parteneriatul dintre AttoSOFT şi ELO Romania, doua companii importante de pe piaţa de IT din Romania este centrat pe promovarea sistemului de management al continutului (ECM), atât în formula stand-alone, cât şi în formula integrata cu sistemul ERP DataLight Enterprise. Integrare cu sisteme third-party. Contact us: +1 (321) 343 7381. Par exemple, le fil ELO peut être utilisé pour des discussions et des communications basées sur des documents. Et avec ELOxc for Microsoft EWS, ELO vous propose une gestion des e-mails très efficace, qui décharge votre Oct 4, 2013 · Datenarchivierung, DMS, Archivierung, Dokumentenmanagement ELO Software, Das Thema Dokumentenmanagement gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung. Elektronické archivy, správa a oběh dokumentů a informací, integrace. The hardware recommended for the configuration of the operating system in use is also required to run ELO. inway. Další informace o projektech, které podporujeme >>. Contact your software partner for more information. 1. Warehouse Location - 2 KD WC3B #K2959 02 11 22. ELO-for-Mobile-Devices-iOS-Handbuch. ) 2. Migration von DMS Classic: Bei der Migration von DMS Classic muss DATEV Rewe explizit gesagt werden, dass DMS Classic nicht mehr zur Verfügung steht, da DATEV dort sonst einen direkten Weg benutzt. Call us: +1 (321) 343 7381. Click the Copy button. Login fehlgeschlagen? Bitte prüfen, ob aktuelle Nutzungsbedingungen im ELO Portal bestätigt wurden und ggf. Our strong network of partners allows us to provide local consultation and support. More than 1,000 IT partners across the globe to ensure local support. Boston, MA, Latest version of ECM software for small businesses raises the bar on data analysis, ease-of-use, and security. Nach der Installation steht der ELO Integration Client als zusätzlicher Bereich in konfigurierten Sichten von Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central zur Verfügung. Automatisierung Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse. ELO Sync for M365 is currently only available as an installation package for Windows and Linux, and is not yet available as a finished Docker image. au. In der Aufgabenansicht befinden sich die beiden ELO-Funktionen "Workflow delegieren" und "Workflow abgeben". Das ELO Online Hilfe Portal ist zusätzlich hier erreichbar. Save server capacities and reduce backup times Eugen Vrinceanu – Ex Senior developer – AttoSOFT SRL. Min. Digitalizace faktur je symbolem produktivity v rámci DMS/ECM řešení. Click the folder in the repository that you want to copy the entry to. IT. macOS. zur einfachen Freigabe von Rechnungen einen Zugriff auf Ihr ELO über den ELO WebClient ermöglichen. Under continuous development, the app is designed with the characteristics and requirements of a mobile ECM solution in mind. ELO omogućava arhiviranje i obradu bilo kog tipa dokumenta za većinu najčešće korišćenih tipova datoteka, kao što su Word, Excel, PDF, ili CAD dokumenti, odnosno WEB ili e-mail sadržaji. Die Nutzung des ELO Integration Client innerhalb von Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central erfordert eine ELO Installation. The Clipboard tab appears. Based on metadata and an integrated full-text search, documents are available for extensive search purposes. Digitalizace faktur představuje efektivní správu, evidenci a archivaci faktur včetně možnosti vytěžování dat (OCR). Integrările stau la baza implementării tehnologiilor noi și a dezvoltării de soluții inovatoare. Search for additional results. Neue Client Verlieren Sie die Übersicht über Ihre Dokumente? Oder wollen Sie rechtskonform archivieren? n-komm GmbH hat mit ELOprofessional die passende DMS Lösung für d Semnătura electronică. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). U všech projektů DMS/ECM, které jsme za existence společnosti EXON implementovali, se ELO osvědčilo jako bezpečné a flexibilní řešení pro digitalizaci firem a institucí jakékoliv velikosti. Jan 30, 2020 · ELO 20 features a new desktop client that replaces the separate product ELO DMS Desktop and integrates neatly with the suite. Get up and running fast with an ELO SaaS solution, or roll out a global, multi-lingual, cross-departmental records management solution. This is where software systems for document management (DMS), enterprise content management (ECM), or enterprise information management (EIM) come into About us. Eingehende und ausgehende Belege werden per Workflow an die richtigen Bearbeiter weitergeleitet. Beim Aufruf wird ein konfigurierbarer Pfad im ELO Apr 19, 2024 · 1. ELO ECM Suite is the perfect basis for digital processes, starting with the mailroom. A DMS rendszerben tárolt dokumentumok alapján az üzleti folyamatok digitálisan kezelhetőek: a számlák könyvelésen való jóváhagyásától egészen az emberi erőforrás terület digitális igazgatásáig. Overview of Java support on different operating systems. Software-based character and text recognition systems (OCR) make the information contained in documents usable for digital purposes. The new ELO Outlook client offers users numerous advantages. Benefit from a wide range of ECM functions within your Microsoft 365 documents. Jun 21, 2023 · # ELO clients . Sep 5, 2023 · Elo Touch Solutions DMS-SA19 Motherboard, no heat sink, for parts. ELO DMS Desktop integrates the ELO repository into trusted Microsoft Office applications so users can continue to leverage the tools they already work with. Udržitelnost a společenská odpovědnost jsou nám blízké. 2. This is because the ELO DMS Desktop does not include workflow functions. What ELO stands for: Over 1. Elo Document Management Software. The name of the folder is displayed in the Target folder field. Legen Sie geschäftsrelevante Dokumente automatisiert in ELO ab – damit diese für jeden zugänglich sind, der sie benötigt . ELO DMS Desktop se integruje do dôverne známych aplikácií, ako napríklad Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Dan, di sinilah peran sistem perangkat lunak untuk Document Management System (DMS), Enterprise Oct 25, 2022 · So integrieren Sie ihr ELO Dokumentenmanagement System direkt in Microsoft Dynamics 365 / AX. ELO ECM Suite je ten Naše odhodlání nezná hranic. Das wird über eine Signaldatei gesteuert. AnyPremise. ELO enhances Microsoft Outlook with a number of important DMS functions: · Direct access to the ELO archive from Outlook. Nach dem Freigabeprozess können Buchungsvorschläge an DATEV Mittelstand Faktura mit Rechnungswesen (DATEV) übergeben werden. They also played an important role in the development of the ELO Outlook Client as an e-mail system interface, which was put into operation in 2013. ELO DMS. The following provides you with more information about the system requirements for the ELO clients. The Near you. Filing in ELO is made according to the principles of data access and ELO ECM Suite jako srdce Vaší společnosti Pro DMS/ECM používáme technologii ELO ECM Suite . 32-bit installation (or AFM) Apr 18, 2024 · Add user/group: From the drop-down menu, select a user or group that you want to give permission to this entry. Profitieren Sie von zahlreichen ECM-Funktionen auch für Ihre Microsoft 365-Dokumente. It doesn’t matter if you’re a 5 person ELO Digital Office GmbH is a leading provider of enterprise content management (ECM) systems. May 12, 2013 · 16E n t e r p r i s e C o n t e n t M a n a g e m e n t | D o c u m e n t M a n a g e m e n t | A r c h i v i n g | W o r k f l o w | W C M ELO DMS– Foldery i struktury Definiowanie struktur ręczne lub automatyczne. Oct 21, 2020 · With the Series C round — which also participation from Index Ventures, Airbus Ventures, FM Capital and Exor, the holding company of Fiat-Chrysler and Ferrari — the company has now raised $185 ELO is available for iOS. Apr 18, 2023 · Elon Musk said he was stunned to discover that various governments, including the United States, had "full access" to direct messages of private citizens on Twitter. Document Management systémy (DMS/ECM) jsou nástroje pro elektronickou archivaci, správu a oběh dokumentů a firemních informací, neomezený přístup k firemním informacím, automatizované schvalovací procesy (tzv. With software for enterprise content management (ECM), you can digitalize and automate your business processes. Optimale Zusammenarbeit. ELO Digital Office USA Announces the New ELOoffice 11. ELO clients. At the heart of your business | ELO Digital Office GmbH is a leading provider of enterprise content management (ECM) software. B. Foldery dynamiczne – usprawnienie dla użytkowników. ECM/DMS solutions need to be tailored to the size and requirements of each organisation. Scalable for all sizes of business. These documents are stored in line with law in the central repository, available at all times. ELO Accounting for DATEV erfasst finanzbuchhaltungsrelevante Belege zur automatischen Verarbeitung. For these reasons, at ELO we have developed the following solutions that meet the needs of companies of all sizes. Scanning paper documents and capturing documents that already exist in electronic form the basis for digital document management. Dari pengelolaan dokumen hingga pengelolaan informasi modern. 3) Efektivní práce s dokumenty. ELO Login. 5) Automatizované procesy - workflow management. Electronic document management, record management, archiving, workflow – solutions with ELO Digital system. Vereinfachte The trade contractor from Vienna relies on ELO ECM Suite to maintain comprehensive and consistent construction site documentation with a high level of automation. With ELO's DMS, you have a practical tool at your fingertips to professionally master the flood of e-mails and efficiently process and manage incoming e-mails. Höhnel painters and decorators The painting and decorating company always has an overview of all its orders thanks to ELO ECM Suite, and it also uses ELO Invoice to digitally process We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Durch das Aus- und Einchecken von Dokumenten und die automatische Versionierung sind sämtliche Bearbeitungsstände jederzeit Near you. This documentation covers the following topics: Basics. Access Controls & Security; Compliance The ELO ECM Suite is much more than a central storage location for your ERP or CRM documents. Jun 21, 2024 · The ELO app does not replace the desktop version of ELO, but is designed to complement it. ELOoffice ELOoffice when it comes to making daily […] The ELO ECM Suite is the central repository for documents created in Microsoft apps. Integrovaná správa verzií, funkcie inteligentného vyhľadávania a kanál ELO pre jednoduchú spoluprácu sú len niektoré z With ELO's DMS, you have a practical tool at your fingertips to professionally master the flood of e-mails and efficiently process and manage incoming e-mails. ELO DMS Desktop is available as a stand-alone solution or in combination with ELOprofessional and ELOenterprise. 2 GHz processor. A document management system (DMS) includes the automatic capturing and storage of documents and information, where the system provides a secure filing location. 7) Nástroje Als zentrale Softwareplattform für die Digitalisierung in Ihrem Unternehmen setzt die ELO ECM Suite genau hier an und sorgt für: Sichere Aufbewahrung Ihrer Unternehmensdaten. Documents are also organized and checked – permission checks, versioning, quick searches, and effective collaboration on digital documents. 2) Zabezpečení dat. Die ELO ECM Suite ist die zentrale Dokumentenmanagement-Plattform für Ihr Unternehmen. Die aktuellen Benutzer-Dokumentationen der ELO ECM Suite 12 können Sie hier im Paket herunterladen. At the same time, data from your abas ERP® is available for your digital processes – saving you valuable time and resources. In combination with Dynamics 365, you benefit from streamlined digital processes in key departments such as accounts and HR. 11 hours ago · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright 1. or write to us: info-usa [at]elo. Integrare perfectă cu infrastructura dvs. Die ELO ECM Suite ist der zentrale Ablageort für Ihre in Microsoft-Apps erzeugten Dokumente. It is easy to implement it, and benefits become immediately apparent. Des enquêtes sur certains sujets sont également possibles. Analyze e-mail content and use information in a targeted manner. The perfect combination for intelligent business management – ELO ECM software and Microsoft Dynamics 365. TWAIN-compatible scanner systems; Network scanner # Software # Operating system May 31, 2024 · Internet connection with sufficient bandwidth. Diese wird im Normalfall automatisch durch den Export aus DMS Classic gesetzt. So behalten Sie immer den Überblick über Ihr Business. Funktionale Rollen setzen. Nutzen Sie die Informationen aus den Microsoft-Programmen für Ihre Unternehmensprozesse. Mindezen folyamatok alapját mindig a dokumentumok adják: számlák The ELO ECM Suite is the central repository for documents created in Microsoft apps. Click the document in the repository that you want to copy. Digitales Dokumentenmanagement. To pomáha užívateľom vykonávať úkony rýchlejšie, rýchlejšie potvrdzovať schválenie a prijímať informovanejšie rozhodnutia. ELO Document management solutions provide an ideal balance of features, cost, and simplicity to easily manage your business documents, records, email and content. Contact us: +61 2 9460 0406. SAP S 1. Incorporate data from Microsoft programs into your business processes. Optimale Zusammenarbeit im Team. Ein Dokumentenmanagement-System (DMS) wie ELOoffice unterstützt Sie dabei, Papierdokumente, digitale Dokumente und E-Mails an einem zentralen Ort verwalten und nutzen zu können. ELO sets digital standards for the electronic filing, management, and archiving of documents and information. Přináší řadu Central digitalization platform. Management DMS/ECM. ELO Digital Office USA, enabling businesses to improve collaboration and streamline information Mountains of paperwork and overflowing physical archives as well as ever-increasing amounts of data make it essential to implement a software solution that allows companies to manage documents. Edit existing settings by selecting the pencil icon (keyboard shortcut: ALT + 2). ELO modules. 1 GB free hard disk space for program components. To get the most out of the ELO app, you should already be familiar with the basic functions of ELO software as well as your device. Mountains of paperwork and overflowing physical archives as well as ever-increasing amounts of data make it essential to implement a software solution that allows companies to manage documents. info@elodigital. workflow management), bezpečnou archivaci, důvěryhodné ukládání a efektivní práci s dokumenty v souladu s Short name, use as file nameConfiguration, file name. Document analysis with AI. Schnelle Informationsverfügbarkeit. Az iratok, dokumentumok elektronikus feldolgozása, tárolása, keresése hatékonyan. Download der Installationsdaten. The SAP world is changing and many customers are moving to cloud solutions. ELO pracovné postupy ponúkajú radu možností na modelovanie Vašich procesov na základe Vašich požiadaviek. 4) Komfortní vyhledávání. Seamless process integration. Vytváříme bezpapírové firmy s DMS/ECM systémy. ELO provides archiving and processing of any document type, for the majority of the most commonly used file types, such as Word, Excel, PDF, or CAD documents, Web or e-mail ELO DMS Desktop integrates the ELO repository into trusted Microsoft Office applications so users can continue to leverage the tools they already work with. ELO Digital Office entwickelt flexible und skalierbare Softwarelösungen, die sich an die individuellen Bedürfnisse von Unternehmen und Organisationen anpassen. Jan 18, 2024 · System requirements. Save server capacities and reduce backup times. ELO ECM Suite Is a Document Management System. E-mails have long played a major role in correspondence within and between companies. Digitální bezpapírové prostředí firem a institucí se systémy DMS/ECM na technologii ELO. · All common documents from ELO can easily be viewed within Outlook. Setzen Sie auf intelligentes Dokumentenmanagement und digitale Geschäftsprozesse. Starten des ELO Java Client. Complementing this is ELO DMS Desktop 12 with the ELO Client for Microsoft Outlook and the sidebar tool ELO Desktop Client, which delivers ECM functions in a Microsoft environment. Optional: Click the Copy options button to change the settings for the copy process. Optimal collaboration. This document provides an overview of the system requirements for all software products from ELO Digital Office GmbH. Complementing this is DMS DesktopELO 12 with the ELO Client for Microsoft Outlook and the sidebar tool Jun 12, 2024 · ELOprofessional and ELOenterprise should always be installed on a 64-bit operating system. 2 million satisfied users. Objevte 10 výhod ELO ECM Suite. Select this option to avoid excessive load times for Microsoft Office documents. com. Dabei kommt der sogenannte O About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Mit diesen können Sie Aufgaben anderen Mitarbeitenden zuweisen. Both use on-premise and in the Partner Managed Cloud (as a Elektronická správa faktur patří mezi nejčastěji požadované agendy, které jsou v rámci DMS ELO implementovány. ELOxc for Microsoft EWS is a powerful e-mail management solution that reduces the load on your Exchange Server and helps you meet ELO Flows Getting started with ELO Flows ELO workflow Client administration More documentation on administration. Manufacturer -Elo Touch Solutions. Mehr Infos: https://www. The app offers you the following functions: ELO DMS Desktop vient compléter la gamme de produits, avec l’interface ELO pour Microsoft Outlook et l’interface Desktop ELO 12, qui offre des fonctions ECM dans un environnement Microsoft sous forme d’une barre latérale. Sensul termenului de gestionare a conținutului întreprinderii (ECM) depășește sensul DMS prin includerea tuturor datelor și informațiilor relevante dintr-o companie și nu doar a ceea ce considerăm de obicei „documente”. Automate e-mail processing. 8 GB RAM. Como complemento, apresentamos o ELO DMS Desktop 12 com ELO Client for Microsoft Outlook e a ferramenta Jul 20, 2017 · Mit dem VARIO Dokumentenmanagementsystem (DMS) haben wir ELOprofessional in die VARIO 8 Warenwirtschaftssoftware integriert. Developing plug-ins for ELO Developing plug-ins for the ELO Indexserver ELO Java Client scripting Dieses Video zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie in ELOoffice mittels Texterkennung Daten aus einem Dokument in die Verschlagwortung übertragen. Together with our strong global network of certified partners, we are continuously setting new standards for your company processes. This manual explains how to use the app with a tablet. ELO provides a portfolio of solutions for different departments, from accounting to human resources. A vállalati tartalomkezelő rendszerek többet tudnak. 64-bit installation. Wie die beiden Funktionen zu unterscheiden sind und was Zurückgeben und Zurückstellen bedeutet, erfahren Sie weiter unten. Passwort zurücksetzen. Mit dem Modul VARIO Pomocou ELO ECM Suite a ELO Workflows môžete svoje obchodné procesy digitalizovať a riadiť ich automatizovane. ELO is available for iOS. Wir empfehlen das ELO All-In-One Setup zu nutzen, da es alle Komponenten automatisch installiert. Download der Installationsdateien. with ELO DocXtractor. The ELO ECM Suite is more than just a document repository. Konfiguration des Setups. Features. ELO Digital Office USA provides innovative digital content and document management solutions for organizations of all sizes and industries throughout the United States. Elo is a Platform and database independent system and has a web-based module. 3. ELO integrates with abas ERP®, giving you access to the ELO ECM Suite without having to leave your ERP system. ELO server. Linux. Prin . ELO Digital Office GmbH vyvíjí Our ELO ECM Suite comprises the modular client/server solution ELOprofessional for SMEs, and ELOenterprise, the platform-independent high-end solution for large companies. ELO Digital Office - International | 3,158 followers on LinkedIn. Dies können Sie direkt hier herunterladen: ELO 20 Java Client AIO - DOWNLOAD (~1GB) ( Version 20) (Die Version für den Mac erhalten Sie hier . Optimize collaboration between Java Client and DMS Desktop: This option should only be selected when the ELO Java Client is used together with ELO DMS Desktop. You are here: ELO Digital Office Software Integration Solutions Microsoft Dynamics 365. de/loesungen/add-ons/dynamics-conn Reliable partners for digitalization. Window construction companies using 3E-LOOK benefit from the direct connection of the industry ERP with ELO's DMS. Software products for all industries and applications. Sie betreiben Ihr ELO im Selfhosted-Betrieb auf einem eigenen Server in Ihrem Hause, oder ein Partner von Ihnen betreibt Ihr ELO im Selfhosted-Betrieb in seinem Rechenzentrum und Sie möchten Anwender z. ELO Business Solutions. The ELO document management system (DMS) offers the ideal starting point for digitization - regardless of the size of your company and the industry in which you operate. The ELO app is optimized for use on tablets in landscape mode. ELO is ready for this development and offers integrations for the different SAP S/4HANA® systems as well as for SAP Business One®, SAP® Business ByDesign®, and SAP® Cloud for Customer: SAP S/4HANA®. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. Într-un sistem ECM, documentele și alte date și informații pot fi stocate, gestionate și procesate digital. Digitalization experts with over 25 years of experience. -One (1) Elo Touch Solutions DMS-SA19 Motherboard, no heat sink, for parts. Je to pre podniky nepostrádateľný nástroj, ktorý Vašim zamestnancom umožní efektívne vykonávanie ich pracovných povinností. It is flexible, easy to use and has an intuitive graphical user interface. You are here: ELO Digital Office Software Company-wide solutions. Over a million users trust our software solutions “Made in Germany”. Windows. High standards ELO DMS ensures controlled and safe working with documents and at the same time creates the basic prerequisites for more efficient and productive work of all employees. This is where software systems for document management (DMS), enterprise content management (ECM), or enterprise information management (EIM) come into Mountains of paperwork and overflowing physical archives as well as ever-increasing amounts of data make it essential to implement a software solution that allows companies to manage documents. Your privacy is important to us. Easier project management. Cloud and on-premises deployment. Capture and scanning. The ELO ECM Suite ELO DMS osigurava kontrolisan i siguran rad sa dokumentiima i istovremeno stvara osnovne pretpostavke za efikasniji i produktivniji rad svih zaposlenih. You are here: ELO Digital Office Software ELO ECM Suite Digitalization platform. Mailbox functions and dynamic filing structures streamline workflows for inbound documents. Nossa ELO ECM Suite apresenta a solução modular cliente/servidor ELO professional para pequenas e médias empresas, e a ELOenterprise, solução de ponta, independente de plataforma, para grandes empresas. Už mnoho let podporujeme sociální projekty a organizace po celém světě a naše činnost má pozitivní přínos pro životní prostředí i společnost. ELO Java Client: Important actions ELO Web Client: Important actions ELO Desktop Client: Important actions Other user documentation. Wichtige Infor­ma­tionen sind mit Hilfe eines DMS schneller auffindbar und stehen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 6) Nástroje spolupráce. Dowolnie definiowane własne rejestry standardowe. Nahtlose Prozessintegration. The client integrates as a sidebar in the Windows interface, giving users all the benefits of an ECM system within their normal Microsoft workspace applications Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. # ELO Java Client # Hardware . Wir empfehlen das ELO All-In-One Setup zu nutzen, da es alle Komponenten automatisch installiert: ELO 10 Java Client AIO - DOWNLOAD (~1GB) 2. The right ELO integration for your SAP system. This is where software systems for document management (DMS), enterprise content management (ECM), or enterprise information management (EIM) come into Dec 16, 2021 · Um den Client nutzen zu können Sind die folgenden 3 Schritte notwendig: Download der Installationsdaten. Banyaknya dokumen dan tumpukan arsip serta jumlah data yang terus meningkat membuat penerapan solusi perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan perusahaan mengelola dokumen menjadi semakin penting. Secure and legally compliant archiving. The permissions settings for the selected user or group appear and can be enabled or disabled. Yes. # Scanner . The user is also unable to edit any workflow tasks that are assigned to them. Elo software Is a robust Document Management System which can be used in Midsized to large organisations. Bővebben > Minőségirányítást támogató rendszer - ELO MIR. Soluțiile software ELO ECM funcționează perfect cu alte soluții IT precum Microsoft, SAP, Salesforce și multe altele. nk cx zz we mq sf vo vu ek aj