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Fanfiction severus james

He couldn't bring himself to do anything, when out of the blue he started to receive l mommapeter. Harry's especially as he is the target. Lily had a crazy sweet tooth. "Perfectis Totalus. "It was a joke! Hey! Wait up!" Sirius followed James' head as the other boy ran after Severus. The words were no longer English, they were Chapter 1. Sirius disappeared for a while, and came back, arms full of Honeydukes sweets, and butterbeer. Watch as Sirius fumes, Peter is confused and Remus prays that he didn't just witness what he thinks he just witnessed. Severus knows, and he hates it: he hates how the minute James Potter walks into the room, the rest of the prefects go all silent, like he's perfect, like he's a god; he hates how the boy flirts with Lily while it's her turn to speak, and watches her like she's his to have; he hates how whenever Potter stumbles while speaking, whatever minute Jan 17, 2012 · Servitude. Summary: James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna Potter along with Rose and Hugo Weasley meet the past headmasters Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape through their portraits. It was during the middle of fourth year that Lily Evans decided that Severus Snape was no longer worthy of being her friend, even though he acted like a true friend to her. Remus told me it was because he simply couldn't believe his luck. She was fiercely protective over Remus. Severus froze in shock, his eyes focusing on James' closed ones. The darkness was total, terrifying and predicting death itself, without mercy. Severus Snape survived, but is a wanted man by the Death Eaters and the Ministry. The woman seemed to scold the man. Lucius is a spy for the light and Sirius had a big problem here. Barely able to move his stiff legs, the former Death Eater followed the guard. James cursed, and then transformed into a stag. That summer James tracks down Severus, but sees something that crushes his beliefs Summary: At the beginning of Fifth year James has the perfect plan for getting Lily to finally say yes to dating him, however becoming friends with Severus Snape may just change they way he saw the young Slytherine. In the depths of Azkaban, Sabrina Snape grapples with the consequences of her dark choices as she faces an uncertain future. - Words: 944 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 103 - Follows: 28 - Published: Feb 6, 2010 - Status: Complete - id: 5723160. James Potter and Sirius Black had just noisily entered the room, earning themselves a hard look from the stern librarian, Madam Pince. Pairings: James/Severus, Sirius/Remus. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 2,533 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 9/1/2017 - Published: 8/30/2017 - id Oct 22, 2012 · Lily's Bad Decision By: Dementors hate chocolate. You must move fast Albus. After calling her a Mudblood, Severus struggles with his intensifying desire for Lily Evans. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort Potter fancied her and wanted her at any cost. Co-Parenting. -----. The London town house began to shake with the rage of the young man within it. He touched his neck absentmindedly, trying his hardest not to burst into tears as he recalled the last events of his dream. Outdoor Cabin: Giant Jenga: (character) James Potter I. After the incident with Snape and Lily in his fifth year James Potter begins to think that maybe what he did was wrong, and sets out to apologize to both Snape and Lily. And, he'll do anything to get what he wants, even if it means asking out Severus Snape's little sister. Oct 5, 2013 · AU beginning of 5th year. This is the story of Severus Snape and, why Lily chose James over Severus, The Potions Book, and how he thought of all of the spells he made. That is, until Severus Snape finds them. The shield went down. ] Lily Evans P. On the night of the 31st of October, 1981, Dumbledore asks Severus Snape to raise Harry Potter. I couldn't believe all the attention. The Bet By: Emerald Ashes. Follow along as Severus Snape And Tom Riddle raise a child and try to take down an evil Dumbledore who has been stealing from vaults, family lines and lying to students about their true heritage. Severus dies in the Shrieking Shack but is somehow thrown into the past as his eleven year old self. James' dark hair was flared out like a lion's mane, and his cheeks were blotched with an angry red. This time around, he kept his head down, kept out of notice, and kept Lily's friendship. - Complete. He sat me down next to him, and kept looking at me with awe-filled eyes. A James and Severus Thing By: SiriuslovesRemus. As James and Sirius were deciding just how they were going to accomplish that, Harry Potter was flooing into Headmistress McGonagall's office at Hogwarts to announce the birth of little James Severus. Finding herself on the brink of motherhood and in the middle of a messy divorce from James, Lily is more than grateful when Severus steps in and holds her together while her world falls apart. An accident in an abandoned room with Sirius Black turns his life upside down, and leaves him with something growing inside him. a female version of Severus Snape, childhood friends with Dom Toretto, reconnects with him later in life. Until one fine day in sixth year, when he finds himself with a Gooey Melting Hearts By: Blackkitten23. However, there was another friend who held a special significance for him, much like Lily. Moves on from Marauders in Hogwarts to their life after school, but still a good fic for James/Severus. The man Severus respected for his bravery and courage. " McGonagall said, slightly perturbed at his unceremonious entrance. Snape plopped a cup for James to use and then got towels while James apologized to Remus, making him a new coffee and offering him a free beignet, which Remus took. Another student had been playing pranks on him again. The Levicorpis was invented by Severus Snape. Besides, all that fighting and arguing must come from somewhere. , Severus S. James Potter called out and the sound of a heavy smash, indicated the werewolf was launched by the jinx. "Oh how dirty, the girls bathroom" Severus jumped and turned to James, he laughed then frowned at quite frankly the floating head. October 31st, 1981. " Lily weakly smiled and closed her eyes since she was positively exhausted from the entire ordeal. Chapter One: The Loss of a Friend. A flash of green light ends Severus life and James freedom. December 1978. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Sirius B. James, Sirius, and Peter ran off quickly in the other direction, but Lily Evans saw them and grew suspicious. Severus pulled out his wand but it was wretched out of his hand by a quick Expeliarmus. Severus loved her and tried to ignore, that she was also with Potter. Severus Snape moaned quietly, when a brutal man opened the barred door a bit and jerked him to his feet with a sudden move. By falling in love with James Potter and humiliating her once best friend with the help of James Potter and everyone because "he exists", especially all of the professors at Hogwarts, Severus Snape has mysteriously disappeared. Summary: Severus is pregnant for the last 18 years, and he isn't a Death Eater. Sure she still loved him, but she was no longer in love with him and Severus was quite shocked to find that James apparently felt the same way. - Words: 649 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 7 - Published: Mar 21, 2012 - Status: Complete - id: 7945059 Harry had managed to get a tiny fist free from the blanket and had grabbed a fistful of his father's long hair and tugged. She leaves James, partly because he's a jerk, and partly because she remembers Severus. Pippins Potions. , Marauders - Chapters: 4 - Words: 8,512 - Reviews: 16 Aug 21, 2014 · "Protego," James yelled. James never thought anything of it until one day Snape cracks and James sees the many horrible secrets Snape’s life holds. Lily tells James Potter a secret that changes everything, James devotes himself to making things right with Severus, and a Wizard's Oath brings the three of them closer than they ever expected. Now, he and Lily have graduated, and they're on their way to Norway to study at Dragehiet, a thousand year old dragon reserve and interdisciplinary academic institution. The older brother in question mumbled incoherently and flipped over. He turned to go. "Hello Harry!" . The man Severus admired for his strength and ability to protect those he loved. Loving Lily: A Snily Story By: Starfire93. James smiled when he saw where Severus was. Once again, this fic contains a polyamorous discipline relationship between teenage boys. "Come on, Lily," James said. severusxjames. com. But at the same time, I really resent the way he also treated Harry. Rated: Fiction M - French - Romance/Drama - James P. What had begun as an innocuous shoulder massage slowly escalated and headed into dangerous territory as James Potter slid his greedy hands around Severus's knotted shoulders, halfway down his coiled arms, and horizontally across his décolletage , flattened palms eventually making their way to a hint of a busom, and cupping the non-virtuous Severus walked slowly in front of James, leaning down to pick up the book, still keeping eye contact. - Words: 10,285 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 13 - Published: Jan 2, 2019 - Status: Complete - id: 13167130. Events force him to face that Mr Potter may not be quite what he has assumed all these years. He loathed those two boys as well as their friends Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Severus emerged slowly from the pit of the dungeons. Gold and silver bound By: FrankieQuinn13. As a Harry Potter fan, I've always liked the idea of James and Lily surviving and raising Harry. Will she manage to overcome this heartbreak? And how did Severus manage to find love again? AU, Marauders Time What happens when Dumbledore and Snape meet the children of Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron. Oneshot, JPxSS slash. ] Severus S. "Hey, Snivellus!" James walked briskly across the castle grounds and stopped in front of the tall, greasy-haired boy. Warnings: Homosexuality, Mentions of Abuse, Mpreg, Character Death. Monthly Challenges for All: Link Maker: Same Ship Type (romantic/sexual slash ship), 1,976 words. Severus' eyes widened when James lowered to crouch beside him, his lips pressing to his. - Words: 1,194 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 12 - Published: 1/31/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12345660 Oct 30, 2023 · After Hallowe'en in 1981, Severus Snape went back in time to his fifth year at Hogwarts. James Potter is trying to be a better person when it comes Severus Snape. Dec 29, 2016 · Post-Canon. James was attractive, had money and had asked her to marry him. "Thank you Severus, you may have saved their lives. Read the most popular severusxjames stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. "I will be in touch if I hear anything more. Verbal jabs don't even qualify as means of treating people less than the dirt on someone's shoes. And just for fun, Seruptem" James was still hanging by his ankle but Reed was completely frozen and James had casted a wet your pants hex that he had made up with our cousin Fred. Next >. Angered and disgusted by their decisions, Severus takes Harry away from them before they can leave Harry at the orphanage Severus gives James a little surprise xD Ora little surprise(s) that will steadily get bigger : Uke!Snape and Seme!James, they're a bit OOC, MPreg, Fluff, Yaoi, Snape goes TranG-ish, NO Voldemort, Lily, Death Eaters, or Evans/Dursleys'. " Severus inclined his head in response as he left the Headmaster's office. The stay in the cell only underlined the pallor of his face and the slimness of his build. "Oh, hello Potter. Lily tenait Harry dans mes bras, elle savait que maintenant il était orphelin de père. He hated them with a passion, even more so that he had saved his life A peine sorti du repaire du Mage Noir, Severus se retrancha chez lui et se précipita dans la salle de bains pour vomir, écœuré de lui-même. As she joins forces with Dom and his crew, her expertise in both wizardry and street racing makes her the perfect teammate, but also the perfect target. ) "And James. Mungo's Books Harry Potter. Rated: Fiction K+ - Spanish - Romance/Drama - James P. " "If you like," Severus drawled. He's like a boy pulling his crush's pigtails, always playing pranks to get her attention. The boy pulled the door shut, before casting. Porque a eso estaban destinados ellos dos desde el principio, después de todo, "los opuestos se atraen". She hurried over to the closet and tried to pull it open, but, realising it was locked, whipped out her wand. - Words: 823 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 5 - Published: Mar 26, 2006 - Status: Complete - id: 2861528 Severus comienza su sexto año en Hogwarts de una manera bastante peculiar, su vida termina dando una vuelta de 180 grados al enterarse que paso de ser un beta pobre a un omega pobre en el plazo de dos días, ahora enfrentara en mar de hormonas que lo acompañaran en su nueva aventura mientras logra tratar en nuevo comportamiento raro de James Four instances Severus was jealous of James Potter and or the Marauders *rated T because of mentions of sex* Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - [James P. "We all know Potter's had his eye on Evans for years. Jan 3, 2013 · A Compromise to Betterment By: waiting4amadmanwithabox. to be loved is to be known. Summary: James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna Potter meet the portraits of Albus Dumbeldore, Sirius Black and Severus Snape. Head bowed, he elbowed his way through the sleepy crowd with little consideration. 14. Apology By: Batmarcus. Venez découvrir la mise en couple de James et Severus. +17 more. She ditched Severus for James. May 31, 2011 · Severus of course, completely overlooked his involvement in the conception of his fattening children and instead: placed all of the blame on James Potter. Even though it was the first week of school, in early September, James Sirius Aug 12th, 1996-The sun was streaming into the windows of 122 Stakers-Beet, joyful and uplifting, and right on time to witness James Potter attempt to wake up a slumbering Severus Snape-Potter, and be whomped a good one upside the head for his efforts, which no doubt consumed most of the Gryffindor's outstanding bravery and caliber. Harry sees James raping Sev in his pensieve and finally accepts why Sev hates him, so he shares what his uncle does to him, sort of a one shot? Warnings: Spoilers for Book 5, Manipulative Dumbledore, Child Abuse, Semi graphic rape scenes, possible slash (based on how you interpret the James replied with a small bow in Peter's direction. Even before the Lake incident, Lily becomes unreasonable and unforgiving as Severus was suffering because of her. Rated M for uncertainty, Slash. Movie: Fast Five (2011) Fast Cars. Jul 14, 2007 · They want him back! New beginning and End Chapter 1 – getting sent away. Inicio JamesxSeverus By: IracebethCarroll. "You did WHAT?" The young man's yell resounded throughout the entire house. Oct 20, 2012 · Albus was the only one who could call his brother Jimmy, anyone else who dared called him the nickname was pranked within 24 hours. Feeling obliged to, Severus accepts, and with time, proceeds to adopt Harry and regard him as his son. But at the same time, James was the man Severus loathed for bullying him at James Potter and Lily Evans were the center of Severus’ world. "It's time for lunch. The man whose skill in defending against the Dark Arts rivaled Severus's skills and knowledge of the Dark Arts. Summary: When Severus called Lily a Mudblood James got mad. But not in this world. Still, he hopes, and works to undermine the monster he is bound to. Severus Snape knows better, even as his hands linger on those smooth hips, sliding ever downward. When Severus Snape is left in charge of Hogwarts over the christmas break, he is less than pleased to discover Harry will be one of his charges. Romance Awareness Month: James Potter/Severus Snape. The best of reasons in fact; the health and sanity of one of his best friends. "COLLOPORTUS!" Immediately after both boys could hear the thrashing and crashing of the werewolf on the locked door, and James turned, racing towards Snape, grabbing him by the arm. Please r&r! Lily and Severus both turned to see James, Sirius and Remus standing just behind them. Lily Evans was desperate. Jan 25, 2023 · Chapter 1: Time. "Hello, Potter ," he spat. Everyone else believed him to be filthy death eater scum, and he agreed, never fathoming the concept of someone liking him enough to actually pursue a relationship with him. The night was freezing and dark, the black clouds covered the sky in its entirety, not allowing any ray of night light to pass between them. Severus felt his lip automatically curl into a sneer. Taking out his wand, he muttered a quick healing spell he had learned to heal his own cuts and bruises during After six years of marriage Lily and Potter decided to call it quits. That is exactly why, when Severus looked James in the eye, and said, in a very clear, very accepting tone of voice, "James, I'm pregnant. Mungo's maternal ward would arrive on his doormat in no less than 7 hours, to cast an official St. Lily hocha la tête et Severus quitta la pièce. James plus Severus plus bonding rings equals trouble. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 19,991 - Reviews: 99 - Favs: 83 - Follows: 29 - Updated: 4/15/2006 - Published: 12/29/2004 5 days ago · A mentor/parental figure story that starts two weeks after The Battle of Hogwarts. The black haired woman had gone to Severus while the headmistress went over to Dumbledore. This year he had no one to turn to. When they find out that Voldemort is after them because of their child, Lily and James go into hiding and decide to abandon baby Harry in an orphanage to save themselves. But, he'll find what he really wants in the most surprising place of all! Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - OC Sirius called after James as he stood and walked towards Severus Snape. POV James Potter. With the sound of rustling fabric James Potter and the bane of Severus's existence appeared in the doorway. James smirked. Prequel du plus grand secret de Severus Snape. The tempting smell of well prepared food had wafted through his senses only briefly, before Severus was forced to retreat. + -. When Severus Snape produces a hind, and James Potter a hart, James begins looking on the combative Slytherin in a different light. Rated: Fiction K - English - Angst/Horror - Harry P. " At that both boys were dangling by their ankles. "Mischief Managed" James said then lifted his cloak down so only his head was visible. Meanwhile, James Potter, fueled by a mix of animosity and unexpected empathy, intervenes, securing her custody with a bid that seals her destiny. The Marauders stop bullying, but guilt eats at James until he decides to apologize. Today, he was officially 16 weeks pregnant with twins and today, an officiate of St. Albus shook him again, "Jimmy! As soon as Severus had backed away from the door it swung open to an empty hallway—for two seconds. K. Severus is pregnant for the last 18 years, and he isn’t a Death Eater. Their parents may also make an entrance! What the Hell By: xX-BlueEyedGemini-Xx. Contains some swear words, torture scenes. Chapter 1. But his fight to regain her friendship and earn her love is hindered not only by James, who takes up Dumbledore's special defence class with Lily, but also by himself. Chapter 3: Punishment. Hogwarts was filled with darkness, despair, fear and too much uncertainty. Sequel to "The Bravest Man I Ever Knew. "Be my guest. Next door the neighbours flinched and wondered what Mr Potter had just told his son. Snape had had enough. Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, nor do I make money out of writing this. Aug 11, 2019 · Always and Forever By: Kayliana. That friend was Cook T. " Severus bared his teeth, his hand automatically reaching for his wand. Apr 26, 2010 · Books Harry Potter. James told Albus something ages ago, before they went to Hogwarts and things got kind of weird, before they fixed the weirdness and became friends – not just brothers, but friends – and before they were even really cognizant of what bravery is. Severus felt agnostic like towards life after he had lost lily as his best friend. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters which are in this story. Hart and Hind by Wrennette. Sep 9, 2021 · James Potter has relentlessly bullied his “enemy” Severus Snape since the first day he walked into Hogwarts. James Potter only wants one thing in life—Lily Evans. Books Harry Potter. . Warning: Mpreg, Non/con, angst, M/M, Bottom!Snape. Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 35,796 - Reviews: 266 - Favs: 1,352 - Follows: 273 - Published: Dec 11, 2012 - Harry P. (James x Severus) Severus had always believed that romance wasn't for him. -----Severus came "James, ple-ase…" A single digit was made apparent upon Snape's swollen hungry lips and James murmured an enchanting spiel, touch and taste and want and if Severus could bottle the words and dilute them, he could sell the aphrodisiacal cologne and retire without ever seeing another brat ever again. Severus Snape sat under a large tree by the Great Lake, reading a book about the Dark Arts that he had borrowed. Any other teacher with a bone to pick on James Potter would've done much worse such as hexing him and then obliviating his memories of the ordeal. Filch came upon an empty hall and sighed. Second Start by 8thweasleykid. " "I could say the same thing about Potter and Snape," Slughorn pointed out. James stood and slowly walked around the tree, looking down at Severus. Jun 29, 2010 · James bloody Potter. James Potter, realizes that she is in love with her former best friend, Severus Snape. Wolfsbane Potion (Harry Potter) James Potter has a very good reason to be standing outside J. The Great Mistake of Severus Snape By: ArwenFairTinuviel. The day goes down as another clash between the Marauders and Snape. Words: When Pigs Fly By: BooksR4ever. Pour réparer son erreur. , James P. Severus' dark eyes met James' and James felt a sense of affection for the frost touched boy. Rating: K. A shield was erected around the two. "Don't look at me like that! Harry potter: fanfiction - meeting the portraits. " "I will go to them right now," Dumbledore said. The Potter Siblings Are Friends. Apr 10, 2009 · Harry Potter - Rated: T - French - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,909 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 6 - Published: Aug 11, 2009 - Severus S. Vampire. Title: When James Went Too Far. In Seventh year DADA, the NEWT level students are learning the Patronus charm. According to the red haired woman, things just weren't the same between her and James. Perception is Everything By: Kendra James. As the two forge a path ahead, the mistakes of their youth are cast asise and they learn the one immutable Jul 31, 2020 · This is merely written for my own personal entertainment. Severus Snape had found himself in many a difficult position before; he'd lied to the Dark Lord's face and gotten away with it, he'd lied to the Dark Lord's face and not gotten away with it, he'd been interrogated by the Ministry, he'd been interrogated by the Death Eaters, he'd been forced to torture, forced to rape, forced to kill; he'd even Books Harry Potter. " This is NOT the classic "James and/or Fred II break a Time-Turner while fooling around" plot. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [James P. James Potter was smart enough to move out of reach of his now-livid son Le plus grand secret de James Potter By: Kimmy Lyn. But their quiet family life is put to the test when, out of nowhere, James Potter comes back. Elle le prit dans ses bras et s'installa dans un fauteuil de la pièce. Severus Snape is an unusual boy, with unusual life. Il pleura, pour la première fois depuis qu'il avait appris le décès de sa mère adorée, et se tortura pour trouver une solution. But James had a soft spot for his younger brother and would always let it slide. The Edge of a Revolution By: Slytherclaw89. The stag trotted up to the wolf, who sniffed it and nodded. R&R, and Enjoy! :D M for later chapters! Mehbeh . La jeune femme remonta dans sa chambre pour retrouver son fils et s'assurer qu'il allait bien. Skills Cabin: First Aid: Wrap a bandage (trope) Enemies to Lovers. His eyes drifted to Severus Snape, who was scowling down at his teacup, probably trying to figure out whatever his leaves were supposed to mean. A bunch of hormonal, stupid, ungrateful, foolish, teenagers. I also respect Severus Snape to an extent because he protected Harry for Lily's sake and fought for the light as a double agent. Severus finds a letter in Dumbledore's office which changes his life. No cloud was in the sky and the weather was hot, representing the arrival of summer in June, as he Severus said calmly. Corneil, yet Severus lost contact with him years ago and never received any updates. BAMF Severus Snape. Enjoy! Not at all, since James doesn't want a new brother and Remus doesn't want to part from his friend Severus, even if being with Severus means being thought dead by the rest of world. "What I did is no different than how stern teachers treat their students. Nudging the terrifying beast back, the stag managed to get the werewolf to curl up in the room on the old bed. "Potter! Found Family. Enemies to Lovers. " The crowd began hooting and yelling their encouragement as Peter raised his wand in Severus' direction when there was a sudden blur of red as Lily slammed into Peter, knocking him off balance, his wand flying out of his hand. At the Potter's ruined home in Godric's Hollow, Severus Snape rushed into the house, the door blasted off its hinges and passed James Potter's body with only a quick glance before heading upstairs. James knew better than to force some meaning out of tea. One-Shot written as a Christmas present for SkyeElf, may become more later on. 4K 381 10. In his youth, Severus Snape's sole friend was Lily. Oct 8, 2020 · Harry Potter - J. Language: English. Now, no hope lies in the hearts of the few who survived. Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Severus watched the son of his love and his worst enemy walk towards the table. Lily Evans even heard of the pranks that James and his friends did to Snape. The Gryffindor smirked slyly and placed his hands on either side of Severus' hips, straddling the black-haired boy's knees. September 1999. Just as he passed Severus himself, Potter stumbled almost into his arms, nearly knocking his drink over. Summary: Lily walks into the Library to find some books for her homework, but instead she finds out her best friend and his tormentor, James Potter, are a couple. If losing them both on the same night wasn't devastating enough, the realization that the Dark Lord wasn't dead, continued to eat at his spirit. The Dark Lord would return, forcing Severus to play his part once again. It was during fourth year that Lily began to fall for James Potter and his charms. Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and settings belong to J. K. The Slytherin swallowed thickly as James suddenly used his magic to bind Severus' wrists to the headboard. Rowling. , Lily Evans P. Author: Pokari, Pokkangel@yahoo. "Expelliarmus, Levicorpis. The blond, whom James called Peter, went into the kitchens to make it fresh. Disclaimer: you know it's not mine. Severus Snape looked up from the book he was reading in the library. Severus Snape, the right hand of the Dark Lord, watches from the side of his enemy, watching as everyone he swore to protect fade into non existence. Lily realizes Severus was right about James: he really is an arrogant toerag, and Lily can't deal with it anymore. " SECTUMSEMPRA !," cursed Snape as small pink bubbles flew from his mouth, his wand aimed at James's chest. He only had one friend and he ruined their friendship by calling her something horrible. His glasses flew off his nose, landing somewhere a few feet away. This drew Severus' attention back to his son and said, "I think somebody's feeling left out. His marriage announcement to the beautiful Olivia Fawley crushes her. James had been shocked when the headmistress of Pharaoh's Academy had walked into the Great Hall. A Surprise In Every Kiss By: Smexy. It was bad enough that his dad decided to give him a 'parting gift' bfore he went to school. James seemed to thrive in it. (Eventual James/Sev/Lily OT3, but the story will mainly focus on James/Sev for a while. Snape rose to his feet, pulling out his wand at the same time. Dumbledore urges Snape to look after Harry after witnessing the Dursley's abuse and Snape reluctantly becomes parent figure to a very small Harry Potter. Lily Evans, the soon-to-be Mrs. My Child, Not Yours By: Artemis Queen of the Night. Severus caught it (and Potter, pushing him back onto his feet with unnecessary force) and took a large mouthful so that the situation wouldn't happen again. She was nineteen, pregnant and didn't know who her child's father was. Oct 15, 2021 · Dear readers. He has a chance to change so much and not just his relationship with Lily. Then it rushed back, changing into James Potter when it reached Severus. When Albus Severus and James Sirius mistakenly travel back to 1996, they seem to be hopelessly trapped in the past. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Romance - James P. This story will ONLY revolve around the two Potter In another world, Severus Snape casts an unfinished version of a cutting curse on James Potter, and nothing happens. Harry Potter is dead, and with him the Order. He began the journey towards where Severus was pacing. She turned and gave James and Sirius a hard shove. Severus Snape sat in the headmaster's office, along with Lily and James Potter and their newborn son, Harry James Potter. Marbles: James Potter. " while holding out a pregnancy test, in his right hand, James Non-Consensual Spanking. As Severus got up, his book in his hands now, he took a great swing at James and smacked his advanced potions book to the side of James' head. James chucked in a dungbomb before slamming the door shut and locking it, with Snape banging frantically on the inside. In their 5th year James, Sirius and Remus over hear a conversation that makes them reconsider their opinions of the 'future Death Eaters'. When Severus stepped towards him, Remus noted that the boils on his face, while less inflamed, had not vanished completely. Severus Rogue is a fanfiction author that has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. Severus thought he looked just like James and hated him which he scowled at. The remnants of Voldy's army seek revenge on the traitor and their master's vanquisher, so Harry and Snape must go into hiding. Everyday, Severus, lost a bit more hope, that the wizarding world would continue. Severus put on a fierce glower, trying to not look as helpless as he was. As the two forge a path ahead, the mistakes of their youth are cast asise and they learn the one immutable As Severus went tearing by them, muttering something about getting Sirius if this was a joke. A black haired woman was with her. No mercy tonight! With that, he stalked off. lilyxmarlene. The sun was shining on the surface of the green grass and reflecting off the waters of the lake. Year 6. All This Time You've been Hiding in My Heart. rp qq sc vz iw gz nw hq hy by